Saturday, April 18, 2009

Unit 14 - Personality

Bernstein Text Chapter 14 Pp. 539-574

Read and take Cornell Notes

Bernstein Study Guide Chapter 14 Starts on P. 404
(You will be graded for completing and correcting them, not for how many you got right.)
1. Skim outline and key terms: Pp. 404-412– Make sure you know underlined terms and that they are in your notes. -- Note examples and mnemonics
2. In your notes, do Fill-In-The-Blanks on P. 412 Write the question and answer it without looking at the book or your notes. Then check your answers. For each wrong answer, write the correct answer and be sure the information is in your notes.
3. Do BOTH multiple choice sample quizzes that start on P. 416 Do quiz 1 first check and correct it, review the notes then do quiz 2 and check it. Remember, the goal is to find out what you know vs. what you don’t know, and then review so you know it all.

Additional Reading: Personalities of the Simpsons

Key Ideas: Psychodynamic approach, Trait approach, Allport’s Theory, Big-Five Model, Eysenck’s Biological Theory, Social-Cognitive approach, Humanistic approach, Carl Rogers, Personality Testing

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