Friday, December 22, 2017

Unit 8 Chapter 8 Cognition and Language

Unit 8: Chapter 8    Cognition and Language         
Assigned 12/20/17

Reading assignments:
Bernstein Text Chapter 8 Pp. 275-319
Notes Check Mon, Jan 8                 
Flash Cards Due Mon. Jan 8 
Concept Map Due Tues, Jan 16      
Unit Quiz: Wed. Jan 17

Read and take Cornell Notes: Make connections! Put in your own words! Write examples, mnemonics.

Key concepts:
Cognition: Evoked Brain Potentials, Formal and Natural Concepts, Prototypes, Schemas, Scritps, Mental Models, Cognitive Maps, Rules of Logic, Propositions, Syllogisms, Formal and Informal Reasoning, Algorithms, Heuristics including Anchoring,  Representativeness, and Availability, Mental Set, Functional Fixedness, Confirmation Bias and other biases.

Language: Grammar, Phonemes, Morphemes, Syntax, Semantics, Surface and Deep Structure of Language, Babbling, Telegraphic Speech

Stimulus Response Compatibility - We can measure Reaction Time (RT) to measure the amount or complexity of thinking. Use this online test to measure the Simon Effect. 

Don't be fooled by the title of this clip! Sherlock Holmes says he is an expert at deductive reasoning, but really he's using INDUCTIVE reasoning. He uses the small details he observes to draw larger conclusions - you can think of inductive reasoning as bottom up. Deductive reasoning, on the other hand, is top down. Syllogisms are examples of DEDUCTIVE reasoning... you have one or more general premises and come to a logical conclusion from them. For example: Premise 1: Most murders are men. Premise 2: There has been a murder. Conclusion: It's likely the murder is a man. Holmes is INDUCTIVE! 

Our friend Hank on cognition

and... Hank on language

and... Steve Pinker on how kids learn language

More depth on theories of cognition and language from Kahn Academy

The benefits of bilingualism 

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Unit 07 Chapter 06 LEARNING... yup, learning about learning

Notes due: Thurs Dec. 14
Concept Map Fri. Dec. 15
Flash Cards due: Mon. Dec. 18
Unit Test: Tues. Dec. 19  

Pavlov won the Nobel Prize for his work... This website has simulations and lots of great info on him. 

Classical Conditioning on the show, "The Office" 

What is the UCS, the UCR, the NS, the CS and the CR? 

Classical Conditioning of of emotions by John Watson ... the birth of Behaviorism...poor Little Albert

Operant Conditioning: 

Operant Conditioning - B.F. Skinner the ultimate Behaviorist

Observational Learning:

Observational Learning / Social Learning - Can you learn just by watching? Alfred Bandura

Children See - Children Do... PSA about Observational Learning

Insight Learning: 

Insight Learning... a sudden inspiration - no trial and error, no reinforcement.

And... our friend Hank explains with two great videos.