Friday, December 20, 2019

Unit 8 Chapter 8 - Cognition - Yes, thinking about thinking

Bernstein Text Chapter 8 Pp. 275-319
Notes Check Mon, Jan 6                  
Flash Cards Due Fri. Jan 10
Concept Map Due Tues, Jan 14      
Unit Quiz: Wed. Jan 15

Read and take Cornell Notes: Make connections! Put in your own words! Write examples, mnemonics. Also... you should be reviewing past units as you go. Make connections between units. What do these concepts have to do with learning and memory? 

Key concepts:
Cognition: Evoked Brain Potentials, Formal and Natural Concepts, Prototypes, Schemas, Scripts, Mental Models, Cognitive Maps, Rules of Logic, Propositions, Syllogisms, Formal and Informal Reasoning, Algorithms, Heuristics including Anchoring,  Representativeness, and Availability, Mental Set, Functional Fixedness, Confirmation Bias, Fundamental Attribution Error, Foot in the door, Door in the face, Gambler’s Fallacy
Language: Grammar, Phonemes, Morphemes, Syntax, Semantics, Surface and Deep Structure of Language, Babbling, Telegraphic Speech

How do we measure thinking? Sometimes by looking at processing time... "Mental Chronometry"

Use THIS LINK to take a "Simon" test - comparing "compatible" vs "incompatible" responses.

Our friend Hank on cognition

and... Hank on language

and... Steve Pinker on how kids learn language

Being raised bilingual can change brain development in some interesting ways!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Unit 7 Chapter 6 Learning ... yes, learning about learning

Notes OR Flashcards (you pick) - due: Mon Dec. 16
Concept Map Wed. Dec. 18
Unit Test: Friday. Dec. 20     

Key concepts to understand (each of these should be in your notes and/or your flash-cards!):
1. What is Classical Conditioning?
            Who discovered it?
            How does it work?
            What are the CS, US, UCS, UCR etc.?
            Explain extinction and spontaneous recovery.
            What is “second order conditioning?”
            How has it been applied to emotion and phobias?
2. What is Operant Conditioning?
            Who discovered it?
            How does it work?
            What is the “Law of Effect?”
            What are schedules of reinforcement? (partial, fixed, variable, ratio, interval…)
            What is stimulus discrimination?
            What is shaping?
            How do schedules of reinforcement affect extinction and learning?
            Explain positive vs negative reinforcement and punishment.
3. What is Learned Helplessness?
4. What is Latent Learning? 
5. What is Observational Learning?
6. What is Vicarious Conditioning?
7. What is Insight Learning?
Names to know and make Flash-Cards of in addition to highlighted terms from the chapter: Pavlov, Watson, Thorndike, Skinner, Seligman, Bandura

Pavlov won the Nobel Prize for his work on Classical Conditioning... This website has simulations and lots of great info on him. 

Classical Conditioning on the show, "The Office" 

What is the UCS, the UCR, the NS, the CS and the CR? 

Classical Conditioning of of emotions by John Watson ... the birth of Behaviorism...poor Little Albert

Operant Conditioning: 

Operant Conditioning - B.F. Skinner the ultimate Behaviorist

Observational Learning:

Observational Learning / Social Learning - Can you learn just by watching? Albert Bandura

Children See - Children Do... PSA about Observational Learning

Insight Learning: 

Insight Learning... a sudden inspiration - no trial and error, no reinforcement.

And... our friend Hank explains with two great videos. 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Unit 6 - Ch 5 - Perception... how we make sense of our sensation

Reading Notes Due: Tues. Nov. 26
MEANINGFUL Flashcards Due: Tues. Dec. 3
Concept Map Due on Wed. Dec. 4
Quiz Friday. Dec. 6  Monday Dec. 9 

See assignment sheet for Key Ideas! 

Hank explains the distinction between sensation and perception... Thanks Hank!

See how top-down processing affects perception... Can you count how many passes the white-shirted players make in this basketball video? (It's on YouTube, so it may not work in school. You can get to it at home on this link if the embedded video doesn't work)

Which way is this dancer spinning?

Clockwise or counter clockwise?
This site shows you how the illusion works

Which is the front and which is the back of the Necker Cube?

Perceptual illusions aren't just optical. There are also tactile (touch) and auditory illusions! Andre found this very interesting video about some types of auditory illusions. 

Subliminal messages? How effective are they?
Democrats accused Republicans of putting a subliminal message into this Bush campaign commercial? Do you think it was intentional? Do you think it would have an effect? Click here if the embedded video isn't working

Light constancy... our expectations and experience shape what we think we see.

A mashup of optical illusions... see how many you can relate to concepts we're learning about  

Cognitive Scientist Beau Lotto studies color perception in humans and bees.
Here is the link if the embedded video isn't working for you.

Apollo Robbins is a skilled pick-pocket who shows us a thing or two about attention.