Monday, March 30, 2015

Unit 16 - Treatment of Psychological Disorders

What are the main ways we treat psychological illness? What are the important the differences between psychotherapy and the biomedical approach? How does the psychodynamic approach compare to the humanistic approach? Are some treatments more effective for some disorders? Does psychotherapy work? Do psychiatric medications work? How do we know?

If you are concerned about your own mental health or that of someone close to you, speak to your counselor or teacher right away. If it's an emergency - that someone is going to hurt themselves or others, call 911. In a non-emergency the school can refer you to someone who can help, such as the professionals at the Near North Health Service Corp. which is only about a block from school. 

Trepanation- cutting holes in the skull - is no longer used as treatment of mental illness.  For other obsolete forms of psychiatric treatment, see this list.
The PsychCentral website lists all the disorders in the DSM 5 including their previous DSM IV names, so you can see how the textbook relates to the new DSM 5 listings.

The Mayo Clinic website has a good explanation of many mental illnesses including symptoms and treatment options.

Getting Help - Psychotherapy Crash Course

Biomedical Treatments - and Effectiveness of Psychological Treatments Crash Course

How do Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) antidepressants work?

The Mayo Clinic has a good webpage that explains how SSRI and Serotonin/Norepinephrine SNRI's  work.

A detailed explanation of Freud and the basis for psychoanalysis (at 5:50 or so) - The School of Life

An AP Psych Review video for this unit - basically like having a tutor showing you a Prezzi and discussing each major idea. The nice thing is, you can pause and take notes which is something you can't usually do during class.

And finally... one mnemonic you can use to remember that Aaron Beck's cognitive approach to treatment involved reducing negative thinking about the self.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Unit 15 Psychological Disorders

Psychological Disorders 
(scroll down below this post for earlier posts such as the Personality Test)

About 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older — about one in four adults — suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.

About 6 percent of American adults suffer from a serious mental illness such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and severe depression.

For more information about the DSM 5 see

Our book is based on DSM IV and many aspects of DSM 5 are similar, but there are some differences. The link above takes you to a DSM 5 overview page with links to specific changes. The Hank videos we saw in class and which are posted below are based on DSM 5. 

The following videos will help you understand the current definition of what a psychological disorder is, and learn about some of the main specific psych disorders.

You can turn on the Closed Captioning (cc) to see the text on the screen and pause/rewind the video as it plays so you can take notes on the Psych Disorders sheet I passed out in class.

Psychological Disorders - Crash Course

OCD and Anxiety Disorders - Crash Course

Depressive and Bipolar Disorders - Crash Course

Trauma and Addiction - Crash Course (we didn't see this one in class)

Schizophrenia and Related Disorders - Crash Course

Schizophrenia Simulation Video - (Produced by a pharmaceutical company)

Eating and Body Dysmorphic Disorders - Crash Course

Personality Disorders - Crash Course

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Unit 14 Personality Blog Post Assignment - Due by end of day on Sunday.

Unit 14 - Personality Blog Post - Due 3/22/15

Find how you rate on thebig 5 (O.C.E.A.N.) personality inventory.


Take this "Big Five" personality inventory and then post a comment on this post about it (see below for instructions about your comment.)

The cartoon is for entertainment purposes only...  you must click the link
above the cartoon to take the Big 5 Test.
You can post your results by copying and pasting the HTML code at the bottom of the Big 5 results page into your comments. Write about your results and what you think about them. Was this test accurate or not. Ask someone who knows you what they think and write about their view as well. (you can see my comment about my Big 5 results) Leave your post as "anonymous" but sign it with your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL only. Remember, comments are moderated, so it will not show up right away.

Big 5 personality results
These are Mr. Cantor's results... do you think they are accurate?
Hank talks Rorschach and the Freudiens ... what do you see here? 

Speaking of Freud.... you can take a Freudian Personality Test here. (just hit "next" on the first page to start)
My results are below... hmmm... I guess answering "I never want to grow up" a couple of times had a big effect on this very unscientific test. 
Freudian Inventory Results
Oral (50%) you appear to have a good balance of independence and interdependence knowing when to accept help and when to do things on your own.
Anal (46%) you appear to have a good balance of self control and spontaneity, order and chaos, variety and selectivity.
Phallic (50%) you appear to have a good balance of sexual awareness and sexual composure.
Latency (63%) you appear to be afraid or averse to present or future real world responsibilities, this will only make your inevitable transition more difficult, so learn to deal with the real world.
Genital (63%) you appear to have a progressive and openminded outlook on life unbeholden to regressive forces like traditional authority and convention.
Take Free Freudian Inventory Test
personality tests by

...and measuring personality.... 

AP Psych Review Resources!!! Use them!!!


We're getting to the point where we need to review all that we've learned this year WHILE continuing to master new content as we finish our last few units. Use this post as your guide to get started.

If you tend to procrastinate... and most of us do.... you should read this post about how to overcome procrastination.

Use the AP Psychology Score Calculator to see what it takes to get a 3, 4 or 5. Move the sliders and hit "calculate" to see the score.

Some good review resources:

AP Study Notes.ORG has great very simple outlines of each chapter based on a different psych textbook than we use. It's a good idea to review these in your study process to review and see a slightly different perspective.

This wacky ap psych teacher has a fantastic website full of review quizzes and more... way more. His powerpoints are great as are some of the videos he has available.

You can also try out the free AP Psych questions on the Learnerator or pay the 10-15 bucks to sign up.

Mr. Schallhorn, an AP Psych teacher in California, put together a great set of YouTube videos you can use to review for AP Psych. His YouTube channel is at the following address. 

The whole Crash Course Psychology series is free on YouTube. 
You can watch them all here... thanks Hank. 

You also have your AP Review Books, your Bernstein Study Guides, and the thousands of flashcards and hundreds of pages of notes you've created this year.

Mr. Jones, an AP Psych teacher from North Carolina started using Twitter last year for  AP Psych review.

"...if a student has a question about AP Psych, they can just type the question on Twitter and put this at the end of the tweet:  #appsychreview  

For those of you who are old hats at Twitter, you’ll recognize #appsychreview as a hashtag – it’s a way to group together tweets with a common theme. Anyone can then assist the student with their question – it could be a AP Psych teacher, a professor, or even a fellow AP Psych student. I’ve asked a few AP teachers to help out, but we would love your help. If you are familiar with Twitter and you would like to help out with answering questions, it’s probably easiest to set up a separate search for #appsychreview or just bookmark this link:!/search/realtime/appsychreview ."

For info about how to use #APPaychReview see

Keep in mind that these will mostly be other students answering questions, so it's not as authoritative as a textbook or other edited resource.

The hashtag #APPsych is also full of interesting psych related tweets... you can use both hashtags to get a greater response to your AP Psych related tweets. 

As you find other resources, please e-mail them to me at ptdworkin-cantor at or post them in the comments section of this post.

Do you like electronic flash-cards? Do you use Apps? You might like which has tons of electronic flash-cards and even a smartphone app. Just type "psychology" into the search box (I want to learn "this") and go for it. You can sign on to get a free account using your facebook account or any e-mail account.

You can find other psych based apps at There are also links to Android apps there. Some are free, some cost money. Check the reviews carefully before spending your cash. I have not tried them out yet, so if you find one you think is great, please share about it in the comments section of this post.

Finally... USE THIS BLOG! There is a post from just about every unit with videos and resources you can use to review. Scroll down for older posts... at the bottom you can just click on "older posts" to go all the way back to the beginning of the year. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Unit 12 Developmental Psych

Key Ideas: Prenatal development, Newborn senses & motor skills, Piaget’s Theory – Piaget’s stages of development, Childhood Development, Object Permanence, Social & emotional development, Temperament, Attachment, Erik Erikson’s Theory – Erikson’s stages of development, Parenting styles, Adolescence, Kohlberg's theory of Moral Development, Adulthood

Hank and the Crash Course about Piaget and more...

Video about Piaget's stages can be seen below or at

The Flash Animation showing the Piagetian concepts of assimilation and accommodation is at 

Here is a longer video that will help you with some mnemonics to remember Piaget 

Hank talks about Harlow's monkeys, Ainsworth's attachment theory, parenting styles, and Kohlberg's theory of Moral Development.

Erikson's 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development. 

And a more in-depth one... about 6 minutes

And, of course, Hank has a lot to say about adolescence and Erikson's theory of psychosocial development... #BreakfastClub....#Identity....#RoleConfusion

Laurence Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development
Good video about the Heinz Dilemma... what stage of moral development are you in?

More stages... Elizabeth Kubler Ross's 5 stages of grief.
When the giraffe sees that the end is near...

And by the Simpsons, but one of the stages in the Simpsons clip doesn't match what we learned in class... which is it?  Simpsons Kubler-Ross' Phases of Grief on Vimeo.