Friday, April 24, 2009

AP Exam Review Assignment - Due May 4th

Today in class most students (who were not mysteriously absent on this beautiful spring half-day after two days of ACT testing) signed up to review a chapter of our book and prepare a study guide to share with the rest of the class. If you were not in class today see me ASAP so you can sign up for the remaining chapters.

Go to and download the "AP Psych Review Assignment Spring 2009" template. Once you download the template you can fill it out based on your chapter and send it to me via e-mail by May 4th. Add as many cells as you need to get ALL the important terms, studies, and people from your chapter. We will then compile them all together and use them as a study guide.

Chapter and Topic ----------------- Name

1. Introducing Psychology -------Magaly
2. Research in Psychology--------Yasmeen
3. Biological Aspects of Psych----- James
4. Sensation---------------------- Cynthia
5. Perception----------------------Brian
6. Learning------------------------Christina
7. Memory ------------------------Zulma
8. Cognition and Language--------- Jasmine
9. Consciousness -------------------Saul
10. Cognitive Abilities -------------Amaury
11. Motivation and Emotion--------Marisol
12. Human Development ----------Mariana
13. Health Stress and Coping------ Francisco
14. Personality--------------------Kay
15. Psych Disorders---------------Yabari
16. Treatment of Disorders-------Salomon
17. Social Cognition----------------- Yesenia
18. Social Influence------------------Noemi

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