Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sensation - Chapter 4 Part 3 due Wed. 11/18 and Fri. 11/20

Bernstein Text Chapter 4, Part 3 – Pp. 131- 149 (Through Chapter Review)

Follow the reading instructions you received the first week of class and take Cornell notes as you read. As you take your notes remember to DRAW DIAGRAMS of important images, write your own examples, write your own mnemonic devices and write questions you think of. Your notes (and your brain) should contain the answers the following questions when you are done with this assignment:

Smell and Taste – The Chemical Senses Pp. 131-136

1. Define olfaction and gustation (and olfactory and gustatory)

2. What triggers olfactory receptors?

3. How many different types of olfactory receptors are there?

4. Describe the path signals from the olfactory receptors follow as they enter the brain and are processed.

5. Which brain structure usually associated with sensation is NOT involved with olfaction?

6. Explain the function of pheromones and the vomeronasal organ?

7. What are taste receptors called and where are they located?

8. How many taste buds are in a typical person? To what flavors are they sensitive?

9. How are supertasters different from normal people?

10. What are the components of flavor?

11. What is anosmia?

12. What is capsasin? Explain one theory of why people eat spicy foods.

13. Explain some adaptive (evolutionarily advantageous) functions of smell and taste.

Somatic Senses and the Vestibular System Pp. 137-145

14. What are the Somatic Senses?

15. Describe how touch receptors are different from most other neurons.

16. Explain sensory adaptation of touch receptors. Why is it evolutionarily adaptive?

17. Explain how weight and location are coded in the sense of touch.

18. Describe an example of how touch and temperature can interact.

19. Compare A-delta fiber pain and C fiber pain.

20. How does pain cause arousal? What structure is activated which would wake you up if someone poked you with a pin while you slept?

21. Explain how Gate Control Theory and natural analgesics explain pain relief.

22. What evidence is there that acupuncture relieves pain?

23. Define proprioception and kinesthesia.

24. Describe the structure and function of the vestibular system.


The above link is to an excellent animation which will help you understand the vestibular system.

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