Sunday, May 10, 2015

Consumer Ed Unit.... Due 5/18

Your job is to become an expert on one of the following topics and then teach the important ideas about it to the class. Your final grades in the class and your consumer education credit depend on your project, your presentation and a final exam. Topics:
  1. “Why am I broke all the time?” How and why to do a personal budget.
  2. “What security deposit?” How to rent an apartment.
  3. “Pay myself first? What the…?” The how and why of savings.
  4. “As seen on TV.”  The power of advertising.
  5. “The story of stuff.” How do my buying habits affect the world?
  6. “Scams, spam and getting slammed.” How to avoid getting ripped off online and in the real world.
  7. “I wish my parents were rich.” How to pay for college and not get buried in debt.”
  8. “But I thought I was making 10 bucks an hour!” What to expect from wages. Where does all the money go from your paycheck?
  9. “Pay the man.” How to do your taxes.
  10. “Oh Lord, won’t ya buy me a Mercedes Benz.” How to buy cars and other expensive stuff. (or just take the train)
  11. “A cheeseburger costs $487.63?”  How to avoid credit card debt.
  12. “I always use protection!” How insurance can save your butt.
  13.  “But I thought buying this would make me happy” Needs, wants and satisfaction.
Each team must create:
* A one-page handout with key ideas which will be printed and distributed. (10pts)
*A 10 question multiple choice quiz on your topic. (10pts)
* In addition to the above, each team must present their information to the class through a PowerPoint presentation, a video, a website or other product(20pts). The presentation should be 10-12 minutes long and include time for questions.

All documents must be e-mailed to Mr. Cantor ( ) by May 18th at midnight. 
I will print copies of your handouts.

All documents must have titles that make sense, your group name, your topic and the full names of all group members at the top. 

Use this format for naming your files... YES REALLY! : (color coded here for emphasis, you don't need to color code them on your documents) 
Group NumberTopicType of Document.
For Example: 

As you work - save your files often, and be sure to e-mail the most recent version to your partner(s) at the end of every class/work session. Losing your file is not an acceptable excuse for late or incomplete work. Remember, your classmates are counting on y0u. 

Here are some links to resources for our Consumer Education unit. You may and should use other sources, but these should get you started.

1 - Why am I broke all the time?

2 - What security deposit?

3 - Pay myself first?

4 - As seen on TV:

5 - The story of stuff.

6 - Scams, spam and getting slammed:

8 - But I thought I was making 10 bucks an hour...

9 - Pay the man.

10 - Oh Lord, Won't ya buy me a Mercedes Benz..

11 - A cheeseburger costs $487.63!

12  - How Insurance can save your butt...
13. “But I thought buying this would make me happy” Needs, wants and satisfaction.

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