Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Unit 2 Assignment

1. Chaapter 2 Reading assignment notes check (10 pts): Due Monday, Sept. 22
2. Flashcards (10 pts): Due Wednesday Sept 24
3. Concept Map Due Friday Sept. 26 (10 pts)
4. Unit 2 Quiz on Monday Sept. 29 (MC & FRQ)

And watch this video of our buddy Hank! 
Objectives (think about these as you read):
            1. What methods do psychologists use to learn about behavior and mental processes?
            2. How is “Critical Thinking” important for psychological research?
            3. What role do theories play in psychological research?
            4. Describe and compare the following research methods: Naturalistic Observation, Case Studies, Surveys, Correlational Studies, Experiments.
5. Explain the ethical issues in using human and animal subjects for psych research.
6. What statistics do psych researchers use?
7. What are the ethical guidelines psych researchers must follow?
8. Describe aspects of an experiment including Independent and Dependent Variables, Control and Experimental Groups, Informed Consent and how Placebos are used.

Bernstein Text Chapter 2 Pp. 27 - 57
Read and take Cornell notes based on your reading instructions. Don’t just copy the book… put in your own words to shorten and build understanding.
Bernstein Study Guide Chapter 2 (starts on P. 26)
1.     Make Key Term Flashcards:  At least 20 of the 35 key terms (pick what you need to study most)
2.     Additional Flashcards: Family Studies, Twin Studies, Adoption Studies, Five important ethical guidelines for psych research. 

Concept Map – Use images, words and graphics such as arrows and diagrams to demonstrate how some important concepts in the chapter are related to each other.
Use this rubric to help you understand what’s expected.
10 Points
8 Points
6 Points
4 Points
2 Points
Concept Map fully and clearly demonstrates understanding of RELATIONSHIPS between concepts from the unit. Uses text, images, arrows or other graphic tools to show the relationships.
Concept map is not clear about relationships between concepts. May be missing one important aspect of the concept, or does not use sufficient text, images, arrows, or graphic tools accurately.
Concept map is missing multiple aspects of the concept. And/or there is very little use of graphic tools to show relationships. 
Concept map shows some parts of the concept correctly, but also shows a misunderstanding of relationships between some concepts. E.g. arrows may be there, but to the wrong direction.
Concept map does not show any correct relationships between concepts or shows shows a misunderstanding of relationships between concepts.

Here is an example of a concept map a student did for another unit last year. She used index cards and "doors" you could open to see information under them. Pretty darn creative IMO. 

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