Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Adventures in Good and Evil - Extra Credit due by May 4th

Read this article in the current Newsweek, sumarize it and comment on it. To get the extra credit you must reflect on how the article relates to your life. Is there a time when you feel that you or someone in your life was a "saint" or "sinner" in terms of altruism. Was this behavior due to learning, brain plasticity or instinct? Write a rough draft of your comment and then post a well written version on this blog.

Adventures in Good and Evil: What makes some of us saints and some of us sinners? The evolutionary roots of morality.


Friday, April 24, 2009

AP Exam Review Assignment - Due May 4th

Today in class most students (who were not mysteriously absent on this beautiful spring half-day after two days of ACT testing) signed up to review a chapter of our book and prepare a study guide to share with the rest of the class. If you were not in class today see me ASAP so you can sign up for the remaining chapters.

Go to http://mr.cantor.googlepages.com/appsychology and download the "AP Psych Review Assignment Spring 2009" template. Once you download the template you can fill it out based on your chapter and send it to me via e-mail by May 4th. Add as many cells as you need to get ALL the important terms, studies, and people from your chapter. We will then compile them all together and use them as a study guide.

Chapter and Topic ----------------- Name

1. Introducing Psychology -------Magaly
2. Research in Psychology--------Yasmeen
3. Biological Aspects of Psych----- James
4. Sensation---------------------- Cynthia
5. Perception----------------------Brian
6. Learning------------------------Christina
7. Memory ------------------------Zulma
8. Cognition and Language--------- Jasmine
9. Consciousness -------------------Saul
10. Cognitive Abilities -------------Amaury
11. Motivation and Emotion--------Marisol
12. Human Development ----------Mariana
13. Health Stress and Coping------ Francisco
14. Personality--------------------Kay
15. Psych Disorders---------------Yabari
16. Treatment of Disorders-------Salomon
17. Social Cognition----------------- Yesenia
18. Social Influence------------------Noemi

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Asch's Line Length Study

Click on this online version of Solomon Asch's study to test yourself on your line perception ability.

When you have done the study and viewed your results, please make a comment on this blog post.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Unit 17 & 18 Social Psychology

Chapter 17 and 18: Social Cognition & Social Influence… Last big reading assignment of the year!!!!

NOTE: the AP exam is coming up on May 12… Keep using your “5 Steps to a 5” to review chapter by chapter. Start making flash cards and figuring out which chapters you will need the most work on.

Bernstein Text Reading assignment:
Social Cognition Ch. 17 Pp. 673- 705 – Notes and Study Guide due Fri. 4/24
Social Influence Ch. 18 Pp. 706-745 - Notes and Study Guide due Tues. 4/28

Quiz on Ch. 17 and 18 on Tues. 4/28

Read and take Cornell Notes – Be sure you understand and can define all the Key Ideas listed at the bottom of this post!

Bernstein Study Guide Chapter 17 & 18 Start on P. 495
1. In your notes, do Fill in the Blanks P. 502 (ch 17) , 531 (ch 18) and answer it without looking at the book or your notes. Then check your answers. For each wrong answer, write the correct answer and be sure the information is in your notes.
2. Do one multiple choice sample quiz from each chapter. Ch. 17 Quiz 1 on P. 506 and Ch. 18 quiz 1 on P. 535 Do each quiz without looking at the book or your notes. Then correct them and review so you know the material. Remember, the goal is to find out what you know vs. what you don’t know, and then review so you know it all.

Key Ideas:
Social Psychology, Social Cognition, Temporal and Social Comparisons & References, Self Esteem, Self Concept, Identity, Self-Schema, Self-fulfilling Prophecies, Attribution Theory, Fundamental Attribution Error, Biases in Attribution, Cognitive Dissonance, Self Perception Theory, Stereotype, Prejudice, Discrimination, Contact Hypothesis

Norms, Deindividuation, Social Facilitation, Social Impairment, Conformity, Compliance, Obedience, Aggression, Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis, Environmental Psych, Helping Behavior, Altruism, Bystander Effect, Empathy-Altruism, Cooperation, Competition, Conflict, Social Dilemma, Zero-Sum Games, Leadership, Groupthink.

Unit 16 - Treatment of Psychological Disorders

NOTE: the AP exam is coming up … It is time to use your “5 Steps to a 5” AP prep book!!!

Reading assignment:
Bernstein Text Chapter 16 Pp. 628-672
Read and take Cornell Notes

Bernstein Study Guide Chapter 16 Starts on P. 464
(You will be graded for completing and correcting them, not for how many you got right.)
1. Skim outline and key terms: Pp. 464-474 – Make sure you know underlined terms and that they are in your notes. -- Note examples and mnemonics.
2. In your notes, do Concepts & Exercises No 1 and No 2 on P. 476 and answer it without looking at the book or your notes, then check your answers. For each wrong answer, write the correct answer and be sure the information is in your notes. For each right answer smile and review your thought process so you remember it for the test.
5. Do BOTH multiple choice sample quizzes that start on P. 478 Do quiz 1 first check and correct it, review the notes then do quiz 2 and check it. Remember, the goal is to find out what you know vs. what you don’t know, and then review so you know it all.

Key Ideas: Types of therapy and how they treat psychological disorders. Humanistic, Client-Centered, Gestalt, Behavioral, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Rational-Emotive Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Community Psychology, Biological Therapy. Distinguish between psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Distinguish psychiatrists from psychologists from psychoanalysts. Understand various specific treatments such as behavior modification, systematic desensitization, flooding, ECT, psychopharmacological drugs such as neuroleptics, antidepressants and anxiolitics. Understand aspects of psychotherapy such as empathy and congruence.

Unit 15 - Psychological Disorders

NOTE: the AP exam is coming up in May… It is time to start using your 5 Steps to a 5 AP Psych Prep book and do some reviewing in addition to completing the weekly assignments.

Reading assignment:
Bernstein Text Chapter 15 Pp. 575-627
Read and take Cornell Notes

Bernstein Study Guide Chapter 15 Starts on P. 433
(You will be graded for completing and correcting them, not for how many you got right.)
1. Skim outline and key terms: Pp. 433-442– Make sure you know underlined terms and that they are in your notes. -- Note examples and mnemonics
2. In your notes, do Fill-In-The-Blanks on P. 443 Write the question and answer it without looking at the book or your notes. Then check your answers. For each wrong answer, write the correct answer and be sure the information is in your notes.
3. Do BOTH multiple choice sample quizzes that start on P. 447 Do quiz 1 first check and correct it, review the notes then do quiz 2 and check it. Remember, the goal is to find out what you know vs. what you don’t know, and then review so you know it all.

Key Ideas: Definition of “disorder”, Biopsychosocial model, DSM-IV Classification system - Axes, Disorders: Anxiety Disorders, Phobias, Somatoform Disorders, Dissociative Disorders, Fugue, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Multiple Personality Disorder, Mood Disorders, Depression, Bipolar, Mania, Schizophrenia, Personality Disorders, Childhood Disorders, Substance-Related Disorders, Mental Illness and the law.

Unit 14 - Personality

Bernstein Text Chapter 14 Pp. 539-574

Read and take Cornell Notes

Bernstein Study Guide Chapter 14 Starts on P. 404
(You will be graded for completing and correcting them, not for how many you got right.)
1. Skim outline and key terms: Pp. 404-412– Make sure you know underlined terms and that they are in your notes. -- Note examples and mnemonics
2. In your notes, do Fill-In-The-Blanks on P. 412 Write the question and answer it without looking at the book or your notes. Then check your answers. For each wrong answer, write the correct answer and be sure the information is in your notes.
3. Do BOTH multiple choice sample quizzes that start on P. 416 Do quiz 1 first check and correct it, review the notes then do quiz 2 and check it. Remember, the goal is to find out what you know vs. what you don’t know, and then review so you know it all.

Additional Reading: Personalities of the Simpsons

Key Ideas: Psychodynamic approach, Trait approach, Allport’s Theory, Big-Five Model, Eysenck’s Biological Theory, Social-Cognitive approach, Humanistic approach, Carl Rogers, Personality Testing

Unit 12 - Human Development

Reading assignment:

Bernstein Text Chapter 12 Pp. 450-505

Bernstein Study Guide Chapter 12 Starts on P. 346
(You will be graded for completing and correcting them, not for how many you got right. – This is a learning activity where you should evaluate what you know and learn from mistakes)
1. Skim outline and key terms: Pp. 346-355– Make sure you know underlined terms and that they are in your notes. -- Note examples and mnemonics
2. In your notes, do Fill-In-The-Blanks on P. 355-356 Write the question and answer it without looking at the book or your notes. Then check your answers. For each wrong answer, write the correct answer and be sure the information is in your notes.
3. Do BOTH multiple choice sample quizzes that start on P. 360 Do quiz 1 first check and correct it, review the notes then do quiz 2 and check it. Remember, the goal is to find out what you know vs. what you don’t know, and then review so you know it all.

Key Ideas: Prenatal development, Newborn senses & motor skills, Piaget’s Theory – Piaget’s stages of development, Childhood Development, Object Permanence, Social & emotional development, Temperament, Attachment, Erik Erikson’s Theory – Erikson’s stages of development, Parenting styles, Adolescence, Adulthood

Motivation and Emotion Chapter 11 Assignment

Bernstein Text Chapter 11 Pp. 396 - 449

Read and take Cornell Notes

Bernstein Study Guide Chapter 11 Starts on P. 315
(You will be graded for completing and correcting them, not for how many you got right.)
1. Skim outline and key terms: Pp. 315-323– Make sure you know underlined terms and that they are in your notes. -- Note examples and mnemonics
2. In your notes, do Fill-In-The-Blanks on P. 323 Write the question and answer it without looking at the book or your notes. Then check your answers. For each wrong answer, write the correct answer and be sure the information is in your notes.
3. Do BOTH multiple choice sample quizzes that start on P. 327. Do quiz 1 first check and correct it, review the notes then do quiz 2 and check it. Remember, the goal is to find out what you know vs. what you don’t know, and then review so you know it all.

Key Ideas: Theories of Motivation, Instinct, Drives, Homeostasis, Arousal, Hunger & Food Motivations, Eating Disorders, Sex Motivations, Achievement Motivations, Autonomic Nervous System